Daily Scorpio Horoscope September 19 (19/09)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

September 19


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 9/10

Dont be dismissive of a certain distraction. You could have umpteen reasons to see it as pointless or a waste of time but your time and attention are being pushed a particular direction for a reason - and this could involve giving in a way that might feel unsettling. Remember, we receive what we give, perhaps not always immediately but eventually. What you give might not make sense now, but it will make sense soon.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

Todays New Moon in Virgo highlights group dynamics friends, networks and social circles. This might affect one or two friendships in particular. A fantastic fresh start is on offer where one alliance is concerned and putting your heads together creatively can result in something spectacular. However, where others are concerned, it might be time to ask yourself if youre being genuine or just putting on a show to please them.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 7/10

Youre about to enter a helpful and potentially timely period of reflection and assessment, especially where one plan close to your heart is concerned. Now that it has had a chance to get underway, youre wise to take stock of the direction its heading. Your determination levels will feel noticeably higher but so too will your abruptness and impatience levels. Try to be more patient with those who need you to be understanding and supportive and who you need to be the same with you!


summary scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Plans that commenced last month around the Solar Eclipse on September 21 start to move up a gear this month. For many Scorpions, something career-related commenced and, from as early as the 3rd and 5th of September, a professional pursuit could be launched properly. A Full Moon on the 6th highlights affairs of the heart, taking a relationship to a new and exciting level or possibly bringing news related to a child or children. The feel-good factor continues as the month draws to a close as it becomes clear a cherished dream has potential to become something more.


health scorpio daily

Star 7/10

This could be a night to remember! At the very least, it\s a good night to go out and have a really good time - whatever that means to you... You are feeling in your element today and you are calling the shots! Sit back and imagine your perfect day, afternoon, evening - and then go ahead and make it happen. Remember to factor in somewhere a release for your physical energy. It\s important to stick to your basic routine, but the rest of the night is up to you!


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

You may feel like there\s nothing you feel passionate about today, or that what you do feel passionate about is just out of reach. Give yourself the benefit of physical satisfaction. Drink plenty of water in order to feel full, eat lightly so you have plenty of natural energy, and stay away from salt and greasy foods. Your energy and drive will return in the days to come, and you\ll be ready to go!


health scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

You could get conflicting information that puts you in a difficult situation. It could concern diet, exercise, or some sort of health issue. Being of two minds is never easy, so you might need to spend time doing research in order to get to the truth. When you find the answer from personal experience, no one will be able to argue with your information.


health scorpio monthly

Star 7/10

This can be a very dynamic month for exploring new dimensions in health and well-being. Ideas that may not have caught hold in the mainstream could influence you, and you may be drawn to exploring them further. One that proves more attractive than others could change the way you think about your mind and body and the connection between the two. But it might be essential to find someone who can teach you such ideas and methods. You may be so inspired that youll want to explore this as a way to help friends and family heal.


love scorpio daily

Star 7/10

There is potential for a lot of fun and laughter, with today\s planetary alignment. However, your partner could find your sense of humor a little warped, which could ruin a potentially romantic occasion. You may need to explain that it\s nothing personal; it\s just your unique view of life that often allows you to see the funny side, even when others seem to frown.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

The day is likely to begin on a slightly somber note, but will improve if you can get to the heart of the issue that is affecting you both. Although it may not be anything too serious, it still needs some consideration. Get the subject out of the way, so that you can enjoy the evening ahead. It really is worth the effort.


love scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

You love playing the role of the mysterious lover, and you play it to perfection at the start of the week. You dont let potential dates know anything you dont want them to, and your secretive nature is extremely alluring. Your love life isnt picture perfect over the weekend, which bothers you perhaps more than others. You know you cant control everything, but that doesnt stop you from wishing you could.


love scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

Strong Mars in showy Leo trines brainy Uranus on September 2, putting many of your sizeable assets on display. You arent always comfortable getting overt attention, but this is one time you rather enjoy it. A square between the sun and determined Saturn is exasperating on September 13, because you realize that you have very little control over the outcome of your dates. For someone whos most confident running the show, this could be a humbling time. An opposition between Mars and skeptical Neptune on September 24 makes you suspect that someone isnt who they seem to be, but the details are sketchy. Luckily, you love a good mystery.


career scorpio daily

Star 7/10

Don\t be afraid to let your sensitive side shine through- even in the workplace. It is good to let people know that you are human and that you have feelings too. You can\t play the part of the warrior all the time. Relax and slow down.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

The burst of energy that you have been hoping for finally comes - but probably not until later in the day. Play it cool in the morning, but grab the reins in the afternoon. You will feel reborn and ready to take on new challenges with great confidence.


career scorpio weekly

Star 7/10

This is a happy week for anything that encourages people to have fun and enjoy themselves. Other people\s refusal to communicate can be frustrating midweek. You may be quizzing co-workers about something that really isn\t an issue. A relaxed approach is best. The energy lightens as the week moves forward. It will be easier to enjoy a sense of harmony in all your contacts. A situation can spark gossip or take an office flirtation to the next level.


career scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

A creative achievement will cause your professional star to rise around September 6. If you get a chance to work with a company thats known for its innovative approach, grab it. The fun-loving full moon suggests that not only will you enjoy this work but youll also get an impressive amount of vacation time. There could also be generous provisions for childcare. Working with a team will be frustrating on September 20, when the new moon creates conflict within the ranks. Personality clashes will make it hard to do your job, but complaining will make no difference. Management expects you to be a team player. Do the best you can.



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